Tuesday, January 4, 2011

AMBITION - Need of the hour !

My thought of being ambitious came way before the thought of writing this blog...

It came when I was in sixth grade....struggling for a place in class toppers' list which was more or less the same every exam.That time I knew nothing about the word 'AMBITION', you can call it just a madness to reach at the pole position. Thus in regards to that madness I started my journey towards that position, putting in loads of effort, changing to hard worker from hardly worker... It all finally paid up in my ninth grade.
Many of you who watched '3 Idiots' may not find this blog pleasing, but believe me guys the feeling of being at the top is unexplainable, if you have achieved it by fair means. Since, "Losing fairly is more honourable then Winning by cheating"...
Few years later when I joined engineering college I realised that tough I know the meaning of 'AMBITION', the instinct it still missing. I never ever had long term goals in my life that time.....days passed...still nothing achieved, forget achieving top spot, I was struggling to score 1st class, then something new happened in my life, no I didn't fall in love, I joined our college's racing team which participates at international events...I started to feel the ambitious air flowing around...giving me my first and only long term goal (i will not disclose it, you will come to know in future). Tough being ambitious never affected my result, they are pretty much the same :D.
This was about me, lets talk in general. Why being ambitious is need of the hour ? the simple answer to this is that today the supply has exceeded the demand, with more and more professionals around one doesn't want to be taken for granted....Well, I am not saying to suppress other and emerge victorious, play fair! don't try to degrade others instead try to upgrade yourself at the same time don't try for runner ups' position, be victorious! I know my words may sound like that of Adolf Hitler....but what I am trying to say is "Even if you are a cobbler, be the best in that area !" everyone would agree that if one has toothache he would trust a dentist more than a family doctor...its a world of specialisation.... Even I know I am a no specialist either in any prospects but still working my ways out. I don't agree with the saying "Try try till you succeed ", I would rather put this as "Try try to certain extent till you succeed, more tries is a waste of time, instead try something else".

In todays ever changing world no one is going to remember after you die, you can generate examples yourself for this.
Its said that "If you want to be remembered after you die, then either write thing worth reading, or do things worth writing"

Its better said then done.. getting to top is not easy, agreed totally, but maintaining that top position is no baby's business. You had to be on your toes every time, tough I haven't experienced it but observed many people, it can be even tougher then one can imagine.

Concluding, I would like to say that coming second is not bad, its just that you are one step away from what you had aimed. This make even tougher when you have only one attempt to chuck bull's eye, in that case you need to try even harder, don't get disheartened even if you lose, you tried your level best......

Alas! all tis sums up to one sentence, "YOU NEVER WIN SILVER YOU ALWAYS LOSE GOLD"......

All the best !!